Logan & GG
The S Litter
June 20, 2017
Click here for more information about the parents.
GG's final litter arrived between 5 & 7 pm on June 20th. There are 3 boys and 2 girls in the litter. We hope that you will join us on a weekly basis to see how the puppies are growing. I do have one opening in the litter. If you are interested in being an owner of an awesome pup, please get in touch with me.
Check back often to see updates as the pups grow.
As you probably noticed, we are deviating a bit from the norm with our puppy names this time around. The S litter is named for Star Trek characters from the different series and movies.
Week 2 - The puppies are growing in leaps and bounds. Nails have been cut twice, eyes began opening on day 13, with Seven & Spock's eyes finally cracking open on day 14. Next week their photos will look more normal with their eyes fully opened. 😉 Puppies have been walking in short spurts & were doing so prior to being able to see. GG is taking great care of them. None are lacking for food! While Scotty is still one of the biggest pups, Seven jockeys for position as being the largest one on a daily basis. One day it will be Scotty, the next day the honor falls to Seven. Yesterday, both grandmothers (Logan's mom Sandi & GG's mom Vicki) came for a visit. Pups have been handled quite a bit over the past couple of days!
Week 3 - Puppies are now very mobile, are aware of their surroundings, noises, and when folks come near the pen. I have watched a couple of them do some air scenting, which is always very cool. Nails have been cut again, they are beginning to explore more of their world via each other, toys and climbing over people. They are becoming responsive to people in general.
Week 4 - Puppies are now running, playing hard, crashing for naps and in general, just being puppies. They have begun eating some solid food in the form of goat's milk & baby rice cereal. Over the next day or so, we will be transitioning to soaked puppy food. Nails have been cut again & in general, they are cooperative for the procedure. The sleeping pen has been enlarged, plus they have a daytime area that is even larger so they can romp around. Over the next week we will be transitioning to more outside time, along with the introduction of several new things (tunnels, short stool, puppy activity box, etc.). It should be a fun week in the making!
Week 5 - The puppies are continuing to be introduced to new things & are adjusting beautifully to those situations. The puppy activity box has been a big hit with the pups since it is somewhat of an interactive toy. They are walking through the sides without any trouble & are initiating the swinging of the items with a nose or a paw. It's pretty neat to watch. The switch over to soaked puppy kibble is going well. It has been so hot around here that we have not been spending a great deal of time outside yet. This is about to change. 😉 They do enjoy their jaunts outside, but are happy to come back in after about an hour of play.
Week 6 - The hot weather finally broke for a couple of days! As a result, we are spending more time outside. As it begins to warm up, we move back in the house & as always, sleep in the house at night. Puppies continue to nurse a little bit, but I am trying to wean them off GG so she can dry up. She does spend some outside time with the puppies. They are eating dry kibble (water or goat's milk poured over it) 3 times a day. Puppies are beginning to understand that sitting gets them picked up or a small treat in their mouths. Seven is the best at this concept. 😉 They are also getting better about a group sit before the food pan is put on the ground. Roper & Holly have had some limited interactions with the pups. I am pleased to see the interest that almost 10 month old Roper shows in them.
Week 7 - It's hard to believe that they are already 7 weeks old! This past week was a busy week which included 2 field trips. The trip to Claire Apple's place is a much longer trip, about 30-40 minutes each way. They settled down fairly quickly going there. Coming back, they were conked out for the return ride. All pups showed some interest in the ducks with Sisko, Spock & Seven actually leaving Claire's side to try to "move" the ducks on their own. It was a hotter day for the trip over to Jan Santel's place, but we were in the shade, which definitely helped. Scotty took the lead over there by following the cheese up the 5 foot A-frame & down the other side. Back here at the house we still try to schedule outside time around the cooler parts of the day. We also had several different visitors come out this week which always helps socialize the puppies. Next week this time, we will begin saying goodbye to some of our pups. This has been such a nice litter & I am so very excited about their new homes & opportunities that are before them!
Week 8 - Many times I never get around to posting the 8 week old photos. Puppies are in the process of leaving for their new homes & sometimes it is hard to post those final photos. This has been such a fun group of puppies & I am so very excited about their new homes. As of tonight (8 weeks, 3 days), we are down to just two puppies. One of them will be leaving in a couple of days & then Scotty will hang around through part of next week. GG will be returning to her home in a couple of days as well. Soon it will be time to wash that final load of puppy things and pack things away for awhile. Looking forward to hearing how they all grow up and become a part of their new families.