This is Asia & Truman's final litter and boy, they sure wanted to make sure that we noticed! This time around, Asia got very big. As she walked, she swayed from side to side. Since we didn't do an x-ray, we figured either she was carrying a bunch of puppies, or very big puppies, one of the two. Turned out she was actually carrying 15 (count them .... 15!). However, we did lose several during the birthing process that arrived as stillborns. There are 9 beautiful pups here at my house that are growing each day. At 9 days old, several of the pups already have "eyes" showing.
Check back each week for updates on our little pups!
Week 5 - We had a couple of sets of visitors this past weekend. The outside pen was set up and they are beginning to spend some of their day out there. They took to being outside like a duck to water! I am now feeding them 3 times per day and they are growing like little weeds. Asia continues to take good care of the pups and her instructional time is spent teaching them some manners. I still treasure my time of being able to sit down in the midst of them in the pen, have them crawl over me and for us to "discuss" things every day.
Week 4 - Once again the pen has gotten bigger. Pups are running from one end to the other as they are playing during the day. We had quite a few visitors over the weekend just to see the puppies. It was great! I am hoping some of them will be returning as the pups are growing. There will be quite a difference in the pups when they do. Best I could tell, the pups were delighted to have new folks to charm. Puppies have been eating some semi-solid food for most of the past week and are getting ready to transition to softened kibble. They did not have a problem at all learning how to eat the baby cereal/goat's milk mash. Rae is becoming super interested in the litter. She has not tried to get into the pen, but will get right up to the fence and interact with the pups. This is good training for her at 8 months of age, as well as for the pups.
Week 3 - Puppies are becoming acclimated to more sounds of the home including Brian's banjo and other instruments! The pen has been expanded again as they are growing quickly. Toys have been introduced to the pen. They are interacting with them and each other. Holly & Roper greet the puppies each time they go through the room. Rae is still not quite sure what the "creatures" are yet. Riker does go up to the pen and watch them. I think this is pretty cool!
Week 2 - I am happy to report that this has been a week of eating, growing and developing motor skills - all right on schedule. Eyes & ears began opening on some of the pups on day 9. Within a few days, all had "eyes" and were beginning to "look" like the puppies that they are. Pups have been moved into a larger pen in our den. They are toddling about at 2 weeks of age. Quick to notice (air scenting) new smells or the familiar scent of Mom.