UKC Trial
September 16-17, 2006
September 16-17, 2006
Our next major trial occurred the following year at Autumn Winds. Since we were working for points toward Dillon's next title, we were entered as AGIB & AGIIB. This meant that Dillon did not get to walk through the course prior to running it. I had wondered if the previous year might have been a fluke, but again, Dillon set me straight before the weekend was over.

I wasn't sure what to expect after we messed up the first run Saturday morning. However, Dillon ran two perfect AGI runs and one perfect AGII run that day. Not only that, but he earned the High Combined award for the afternoon trial! I was most surprised, but pleased to add that to his accomplishments. The day's ribbon total included two 1st place finishes & one 4th place.

The UKC UACH title requires the dog to earn a total of 100 points. If the dog scores a perfect run of 200, then 10 points are earned. A 199 score earns 6 points, 198 earns 4 points, 197 earns 2 points and 196 earns 1 point. For all practical purposes, a 195 or below is a run for fun. Being entered in all four trials that weekend, there was the potential of earning 80 points if Dillon had perfect 200 runs.

On Sunday, Dillon had three perfect 200 runs, plus one run of 199. With these scores he placed in all 4 runs, receiving one 1st place, one 3rd place & two 4th place ribbons. His total points earned during the weekend was 66! Added to his 2 points earned at the Belroi Agility trial in May 2006, he finished the weekend with a total of 68 points toward his UACH!
All photos on this page are used with
permission and are owned by Nan Henderson.
September 2006