Ed Lynn Jarratt's Boys
Linwood, NC
I have been breeding ES since the 1960's. All of my boys today are direct descendants of my first registered ES, Kip. In general, my boys are b&w, but Dallas is a shaded sable and white, and also a natural bobtailed ES.

Jarratt's Ranger DOB: January 4, 2001
Sire: Jarratt's (Jennifer's) Russell
Dam: Stegall's Leta
Ranger is my largest English Shepherd, weighing about 65 pounds. Ranger has a very even temperament and loving personality.

Jarratt's Dallas DOB: July 19, 2000
Sire: Jarratt's (Jennifer's) Russell
Dam: Stegall's China Doll
Dallas is a shaded sable, and a natural bob-tail. Many of the pups he sires are also natural bob-tails. Dallas is somewhat smaller than my other English Shepherds, weighing about 50 pounds, but he relies on "brains over brawn" to have his way.

Jarratt's Roscoe DOB: January 16, 2001
Sire: Jarratt's Cody (a littermate of Jarratt's Russell)
Dam: Stegall's China Doll.
Roscoe has a wavy coat and the britches on his hind legs has a silver shading. Roscoe is the manager of the pack. He knows all the house rules, obeys them, and works to be sure that all the others obey them also. If a situation arises that does not have a rule, he will make one quickly.

All photos on this page
© 2007 P. Mason

Jarratt's Rory Archer DOB: June 4, 2003
Sire: Jarratt's (Jennifer's) Russell
Dam: Wingler's Becca
Rory is a littermate of Wingler's Dillon. He is the "sweet-heart" of my pack, very friendly and loving.