Ivey Crossroads is located in Robeson County.
Ivey was the sixth puppy born and weighed in at 10 ounces. She is tri-color. While Ivey only has white toe markings on all four feet, with a narrow white chest, she also has a full white collar. Ivey also appears to have a black mask. The narrow blaze that runs over her head and connects to her collar will most likely disappear as she gets older.
6 Weeks Old
Ivey can be a sweet pup - likes to be held, cuddled, etc., but will stand up for her rights within the litter. I can usually find Ivey nearby when I am out with the litter. I like her spunk!
5 Weeks Old
Ivey Crossroads is located in Robeson County.
Ivey was the sixth puppy born and weighed in at 10 ounces. She is tri-color. While Ivey only has white toe markings on all four feet, with a narrow white chest, she also has a full white collar. Ivey also appears to have a black mask. The narrow blaze that runs over her head and connects to her collar will most likely disappear as she gets older.
5 Weeks Old
4 Weeks Old
3 Weeks Old
2 Weeks Old
1 Week Old