Sidney Crossroads is located in Beaufort County.
Sidney was the eighth puppy born and weighed in at 12 ounces. She is tri-color. Sidney has ankle length front leg markings with white toes on the back feet, an almost full white chest, a thin full collar, just a smidge of a blaze and a tiny tip on her tail.
6 Weeks Old
Sidney is a very active pup & is usually in the midst of whatever is happening. She was the first pup to figure out how to climb the steps. I was heading into the pen to feed the pups, she ran out of the gate & up the steps. I told her she needed to come back down them, and not try to take a dive down to the ground under the railing. After a couple of times of me telling her to use the steps, she found her way back over to them & proceeded to come back down like she had been doing it all of her life!
5 Weeks Old
4 Weeks Old
3 Weeks Old
2 Weeks Old
1 Week Old