Wingler's WhtOak Make It So, Number One (Riker)
DOB - January 17, 2019
Breeder: Carl David Bailey
Owner: Rebecca Wingler
Health Testing
PennHIP: (R/L) 0.21/0.18
MDR1 - carrier (mutant/normal)
CEA, PRA/Prcd - Normal/clear CCDY & CDPA (UC Davis) - Clear PRA6 (University of Cambridge) - Clear

Riker ... the name had been picked out for years, but we were waiting for the right pup to come along. One thing was for certain, he had to be Dillon's grandson. I started looking at the litter that was linebred on Dillon back in 2013 that produced three girls that were still intact. Since two of the daughters were in the western part of VA and I was planning to attend a seminar near there in March, I contacted those two owners near the end of January, 2019 for the possibility of stopping by to meet the girls in March. Much to my surprise, Beauty had a litter of ten on the ground, with five of them being males. I really wasn't looking for a puppy quite yet, but I also wasn't sure that this particular cross would ever occur again. Not only was Beauty Dillon's daughter, the sire Strider, was Dillon's great grandson.
My friend Vicki & I made the trip there when the puppies were 5 weeks old to see them and try to make a decision on "if" there was a puppy there for me and if so, "which" puppy it would be. I struggled a bit knowing that since these pups were Dillon's grandpups, there might be one or more of them that would look like him. As much as I loved Dillon, I also wanted my next pup not to grow up in Dillon's shadow.
Upon arrival at the Bailey home, we met the Beauty, Strider and their one year old daughter, Belle before meeting the puppies. While I realize that 5 weeks old is not going to give you a complete picture of any puppy's temperament, we did want to see what the puppies were like in general. We ended up testing nine of the ten puppies because Vicki was also interested in a puppy, but needed a female. Out of the four available males, two were black & white. I knew based on markings and color that I would always see Dillon if I went that direction. The other two males were tri-colored. It took awhile, but I finally decided on one boy, that would become Riker. Vicki decided on one of the tri females. When I went back to VA in March, I brought both pups back to NC.
For the first few months of life here, Riker was raised by Kira. She grew very fond of the boy, but we lost her in August, just shy of her 14th birthday. At that point, I tried integrating Riker with Holly and Roper. Roper was delighted, but Holly was not so much. He has yet to win her over, but has a great time hanging out with Roper, going to classes & seeing his sister there and just in general, being a puppy boy.
He certainly will not be as tall a boy as Dillon was, but that is okay. Riker is his own dog, even though I see some of my past ES in him as well. He has Bec's coat - on the longer side, plus a lot of her personality - loves people and gets along with most dogs. He seems to process things like Kira used to do and he loves our trainer just as much as Dillon did. He is making his way into my heart daily and I hope I have him here at least as long as Dillon was!
May 2024
Riker has matured so nicely. He is still very intent on playing ball and watches for Brian to invite him outside to do that! He has become my main agility dog. Like Dillon, he earned his Beginning & Intermediate titles in the same weekend, at his very first trial, at 3 years of age. The next trial was devoted to earning points towards his UACH title. The point breakdown is 40 points from Beginning, 40 points from Intermediate & 20 points from either. The maximum number of points that could be earned over the weekend "if" a dog scores a 200 for each run is 80 points. Riker scored 75 points that weekend. His third trial saw him earning the remaining 25 points on Saturday for his UACH title. On Sunday, he began working on his UACHX (Excellent) title and earned 2 of the 5 runs needed. Since we added in the Excellent runs, Riker ran Beginning, Intermediate & Excellent in both trials on Sunday. He also earned the High Combined ribbon placement & the High Triple placement in the second trial on Sunday. In March of 2024, we were working on the Excellent runs, but also were running Beginning & Intermediate in hopes of scoring another High Triple. I messed him up on his final Excellent run, but he did earn 2 more legs and once again earned a High Triple during one of the trials. I am hoping that at the next trial, he will finish up the UACHX title. He's a great partner to have at the trial!

8 weeks old

9 weeks old

11 weeks old

14 Weeks Old

15 Weeks Old

17 Weeks Old

5 Months Old

July 2019 with Sister Asia

October 2019

December 2019

January 2020
1 year old

October 2020
1 1/2 years old

October 2021
2 1/2 years old

UKC Trial in March 2022
3 years old
BA & IA Titles Earned
Photos by Nan Henderson

UKC Trial in March 2023
4 years old
Earned 75 of 100 points needed for his UACH
Photos by Nan Henderson

UKC Trial in November 2023
4 years old
Earned the remaining 25 points needed for his UACH on Saturday.
Earned 2 legs towards his UACHX on Sunday.
Photos by Nan Henderson

UKC Trial in March 2024
5 years old
Earned 2 legs towards his UACHX - 1 more to go!
Photos by Nan Henderson