Cubby O'Brien was a member of the Red Team.
Cubby arrived sixth, weighing in at 14 ounces. He is a tri-color, but it could be that he will end up being an open-face tri like his sire. I am already starting to see some changes around his eyes. Cubby has a partial collar and the longest tip on his tail.

7 Weeks Old
Cubby will be making his home in NC, just a few hours away from me. I am hoping that if all things go well, he will be kept intact as a possible stud down the road. Plans are being made for him to be involved with herding through Claire Apple as he grows up!

6 Weeks Old
Cubby continues to be one of my talkers. He has a little bit of fade going on around his eyes, but I think he will look a lot like his Uncle Riker in that regards when all is said and done. He is a nice pup all around.

5 Weeks Old
Cubby is the largest pup in the litter, but not by much! In general, he is fairly even tempered, likes the attention of people, is happy to be with you and snuggle at times. As you can see from his pictures, he was not intimidated by new items in the play area this week. 😉

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old