Dillion-Kira 2008 Enka

Much to our surprise, Kira's litter consisted of one female puppy and one large puppy at that!  Enka arrived in this world on Wednesday afternoon, January 30, 2008, weighing in at 1.05 pounds at birth.  Both she and her mom are doing well.  As with all my litters, Enka is the name of a town located in the mountains of North Carolina.  Besides, it is such a cool sounding name!
Enka's eyes finally opened on Wednesday when she turned 2 weeks in age.  Since that time, she has been doing a lot more than sleeping and eating.  Believe it or not, she is walking some, barking & growling, coming to us when we go to the pen, and playing with her toys, mom or her own feet.  She has been an easy puppy so far & is handled every day. 
Enka is still a very dark colored pup.  When the light hits her just right, I can see glimpses of Dillon's brown coloring in her fur.  There is a good chance that she may end up being seal, but a darker seal than her daddy.

At 4 1/2 weeks in age, Enka has really changed over the course of the past week.  Her legs have finally gotten longer!  She runs, walks well and plays with the best of them.  She has a sweet personality & waits patiently to be taken out of the pen in the morning.  Oh, she has learned to come over the short side if I don't have the x-pen up against it!

Enka has been playing with her grandmother, Bec, over the past week.  She is happy to have another dog to play with her, and I am happy for the interaction as well.  We have begun the weaning process.

At 5 1/2 weeks in age, Enka has really made some important strides in her development.  As you can see from the pictures to the left, the week  began with her on the ground. She soon mastered the climb up the steps.  By the following day, not only could she get up, but down the steps with great ease.  She will even come inside by walking through the front door which is always a scary proposition for puppies the first few times.

Enka bounds & pounces now, along with running at a pretty good speed.  She is constantly at my heels when walking outside or inside the house.  She has no fear of the unknown areas inside the house now & can go from one end of the house to the other, including walking on the kitchen floor.

As with all our past puppies, Enka has had a great time frolicking under the dining room chairs; climbing over and under the rungs.  She continues to be a delightful pup, coming at the sound of her name, playing with mom & grandma, along with learning to eat "real" food.  

At 7 weeks - Enka is now sleeping by herself & plays quietly in the pen until I get up around 7 am.  She is eating dry kibble.  She continues to be quite friendly, easy to get along with & a pretty smart little girl.  She seems to have the biddability of Kira and more laid back, like Dillon.   She prefers to be with you around the house, but can entertain herself with her toys in the den.  I am certainly enjoying having her around & will miss her when she leaves on Friday to go to her new home.  She will be living with Dixie, from Bec's 2007 litter.