Litter O
The Kiroodles Are Here!
Click here for pictures of the puppies!
June 19, 2014
The "O" litter arrived early Sunday morning on June 15th. Kira gave birth to 4 girls, 4 boys with most of the pups being seal colored when grown. With the O Litter, we are naming the pups with a theme of the Outer Banks of NC.
June 22, 2014
It's amazing what a few days can make in the size and appearance of the puppies! Everyone is doing well & growing in leaps and bounds. During the next week, eyes and ears will begin to open. In the next week's photos, the pups will begin to "look like pups" since you will be able to see eyes.
June 29, 2014
The pups are 2 weeks old! Everyone finally has their eyes open (to some degree). Crockett was the first to open her eyes. You can tell hers are "open the widest" in the puppy pictures. We have cut nails once, but they need it again. Pups are handled daily. So far they have all been pretty calm about being lifted up off the ground & being cuddled. As of the past two days, they have been "walking" about. By next week they will be very sturdy on their legs. Today, they are still very tentative in their walking ability. Also lots of little barks and squeaks are being heard as they toddle about the pen. Holly has wanted to visit with the pups, but I want them to be sturdy on their legs before she gets to interact with them. That will happen sometime within the next week.
July 6, 2014
It's hard to believe that another week has already passed by with the pups. They are growing so fast! As you can see in the pictures, they have been in the pen, on part of my rug & the hardwood floors this past week. Toys have been introduced & the pups are doing a lot more interacting with each other, along with exploring the toys. I have been amazed at watching this litter just take to the hardwood, walk & run across it without giving it any thought. Usually that sort of "freaks" them out just a little bit. All pups have had their nails clipped this week. Lots of handling & I am making a conscious effort to put hands on their heads. So far no one appears to be head shy.
July 13, 2014
This has been a big week for the pups! They are beginning to eat some solid food, so they are quite messy these days! The day will come when they can eat without wearing their food. 😉 Pups have been outside in the grass & on the sidewalk. A few have been explorers, others just enjoying the big outdoors. Teeth are all in & they are exploring everything with their mouths. Interaction between pups is growing each day. They all come running when we approach the pen & clamour for who is first to be picked up. Husband Brian & daughter Laura are exposing the pups to bluegrass music by playing their instruments in the same room as the pups. Today they were pretty laid back about the sound of music. They are also being exposed to indoor sounds like the vacuum cleaner, mixer, tv, etc. All in all this is a really nice litter in all respects!
July 20, 2014
The pups have pretty much made their transition over to solid food now, but will still nurse if Kira stands still long enough. We are spending more time outside these days while they explore their surroundings. Holly is becoming more involved with the litter and giving their mom some well deserved time away from the pups. 😉 What I love about Holly is she is a great one for teaching puppies acceptable behavior and the rules on "not" to fight. The pups love their big sister. I call her "Miss Manners."
July 27, 2014
We have temporarily fenced in an area so I don't have to worry about pups getting out into the driveway. They have plenty of room to run, explore and dig, as the case may be. Holly continues to play with them at least once during the day. They are spending more and more time outside as long as the heat isn't too bad. Fortunately, they have the shade of several large tree on the south end of the house. They have had visitors both this past week and the week before. This coming week will see us make the two field trips. One will be to my agility trainer's house & the other will be for a puppy herding instinct test.
August 4, 2014
Last week was an extremely busy time for the pups. We had visitors over a couple of times during the week, plus we made our "field trips" out to the agility trainer's house on Thursday & the herding trainer's house on Friday. We were dodging rain showers on Friday, so I was very happy that we were able to get it done. Other than some of the pups being very vocal on the trip & while waiting their turns, a good time was had by all. It was amazing to watch instinct kick in when they were with the ducks. It was fun to watch them interact with "strangers" at both places.
It's hard to believe that in about a week, the pups will be leaving for their new homes. Everyone has a new home lined up & I am excited about their futures!
August 13, 2014
It has been a week of sadness as I watch the pups go off to their new homes, but yet, it is a time of rejoicing knowing that God has provided very good homes for each pup that was here. Most of the pups left this past Sunday. The energy level has certainly gone down over the past few days! Tiger is here for a little while longer, but will be making his way to his new home soon. Each of these pups were very special to me knowing that this will most likely be the last Kira/Dillon litter. Three of the pups are to stay intact for breeding consideration when they are grown. So, Kira & Dillon's bloodlines will live on through these three!