Litter O - The Kiroodles!
A. F. Crockett
Shipwrecked Schooner off of Ocracoke Island on February 17, 1885
More information on the shipwreck may be found here
The Crockett name also ties back to Kira's pedigree. Crocket was a black and tan female ES owned by Don Diffendaffer back in 1986. Crockett was the first born of the litter arriving around midnight. She looks like she will have a dark red sable coat with minor white markings. Crockett weighed 12 oz at birth and was the smallest of the litter. Right now she looks like a b&t marked ES, but in person the sable is really showing through. She did have rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks -Crockett continues to grow & can pretty much hold her own against her "bigger" siblings. As the pups were learning to go down the steps safely, Crockett would always remain at the top of the steps & I would have to pick her up to take her down. I happened to catch her maneuvering the steps all by herself within a day. Instead of stretching herself out (not quite long enough to make the stretch) from one step to another, I watched as she hopped down the steps & never missed a beat.
7 weeks - Crockett brings new meaning to the saying that good things come in small packages. Still my smallest of the litter, she didn't let that deter her from achieving great things this past week. Look at how she handled coming down the A-frame in the photo below! Crockett has held a special place in my heart these past few weeks. It's been fun to watch her grow & develop!
8 weeks - Crockett is staying in North Carolina & is now known as Luda! She has gone to live on a farm and hopefully will become the right hand of her new owner. We will see how she develops with time & if she can keep those goats in line! She was still my "little" one at eight weeks, but was growing quickly. I am expecting great things out of Luda in the coming months!

Town name has been changed to Rodanthe. This is the site of one of the Life Saving Stations set up on the Outer Banks islands. Chicamacomico was on Hatteras Island and had many well known rescues. More information can be found here.
7 weeks - Chica thought it was great fun to be with the handlers at both places! While she wasn't quite sure what to make of the A-frame, she willingly tried her best to cooperate. At Claire's she was fine to be away from me & out in the field walking about with Claire. There were great interactions between the handlers & Miss Chica!
8 weeks - Chica ended up being my largest pup when our vet stopped by for the vet check-up. Chica's new name will be Dancer. She is heading to sunny state of Florida to charm the folks there!

Anne Bonny - Pirate
Anne Bonny was a famous woman pirate that sailed under the command of Calico Jack Rackam. Eventually she was caught, tried and sentenced. There is no record of her being executed which leads some to believe that she escaped. More info on Anne Bonny is here.
Bonny was number 5 to appear and weighed 14 oz at birth. She will most likely be seal colored with a very limited amount of white on her. In spite of the limited white markings, she will be a striking ES when grown.
6 weeks - Even though she is not flashy, coat marking-wise, Bonny has a lot of super nice attributes that are beginning to show up. She is truly the most laid back in the litter, kind of goes with the flow of things, & is an extremely loving pup. As long as she has your attention, she will sit there a very long time while being loved upon & petted. Super sweet Bonny does not live up to her pirate name!
7 weeks - Bonny had a great time on the field trips. She was very willing to work with everyone & managed to go up the A-frame with very little trouble. I was most impressed with the way her instinct kicked in at Claire's house with the ducks. Bonny was the next to the last pup to be tested, so had waited in a crate (impending rain) in the van or in the small pen when it was time for her group to be tested. She was a trooper! I can always count on a good snuggle and a kiss from Bonny!
8 weeks - Sweet, sweet Bonny is now known as Daria. She is staying in North Carolina. She will have three boys as her charges & will be learning a few of the ropes from the family's older dog.
You can see in the pictures below that she always found ways to entertain herself. The Crepe Myrtle tree was obviously a great way to expand her skill set while she was here!

Rose O'Neal Greenhow - Confederate Spy
Rose was a celebrated spy for the South during the Civil War. Imprisoned by the North & then exiled to the South, Rose continued to serve as a spy and even wrote a book about her life. Rose drowned off the coast near Fort Fisher while trying to get to shore after the ship had run aground. The small boat she was in capsized. Rose was carrying gold coins in her clothing and immediately sank. Although this location is not technically a part of the Outer Banks, I could hardly pass up the opportunity to have a Confederate Spy in the litter! More information on Rose's life may be found here.
Last, but not least, Rose put in her appearance weighing 15 oz at birth. She, like Bonny, will be seal when grown, but with limited white markings. Both of these girls will be quite the lookers when grown! 😉 Rose did have rear dewclaws which have been removed.
6 weeks - Rose is such a pretty girl. Pictures do not do her justice! She has a little more of the explorer's heart than the rest of the girls & tends to be a leader in her own right. Still will climb up in my lap to be loved upon. She has "old soul" eyes that can look right into you. I really like this girl!
7 weeks - Look at Rose coming down that A-frame in the photo on the left! She did an outstanding job with the agility equipment. The following day she surprised me with the amount of natural instinct she was showing at almost 7 weeks in age. She not only noticed the ducks at Claire's house, but did some independent moving of them as well. Rose has been a wonderful addition to this litter & will make a great companion/worker in her new home!
8 weeks - Rose is now known as Maggie! She is making her new home in Maryland on a homestead farm. When she is not helping out, she will have 4 boys to be best buddies with and to watch over as they grown up. Maggie will be kept intact for potential breeding down the road.

Shipwreck off Ocracoke Island on June 29, 1585
This may also be where some of the Banker Ponies on the island originated. Links for more info on the shipwreck and the Banker Ponies.
Tiger was the second one to arrive & like his sister Crockett, appears to have a dark red sable coat with minor white markings. Tiger weighed 15 oz at birth & did not have rear dewclaws. He does have white feet, some white on his chest, a smudge on the back of his neck and a tip on his tail.
6 weeks - I still like Tiger's quick response when called. I am hopeful that he will continue to display that attribute when he leaves here for his new home in a few weeks. I still see Dillon's eyes when I look at Tiger. If he turns out to be half the dog his daddy is, his new family will be very fortunate. In general, Tiger is a middle of the road kind of pup. He doesn't usually seek out trouble, but will deal with it when necessary.
7 weeks - Tiger charmed everyone during the trips, along with visitors during the week. He seems to be a natural ambassador for the breed and loves to be with people. When I look into his eyes, I see the same sort of expression I have grown to love about his daddy, Dillon. Tiger is one special boy & is going to be a wonderful addition at his new home!
8 weeks - Tiger is still with us for a little while longer while his new owner is making arrangements to come get him. He is enjoying a new found freedom within the house, since there is only one puppy to keep out of mischief! He continues to enjoy playing with Kira and Holly and seems to be fairly biddable as I am correcting him. He will eventually make his new home on a farm in MD & will be kept intact for possible breeding down the road

Stede Bonnet, the Gentleman Pirate
Pirates were well known on the Outer Banks. Stede Bonnet's moniker of "Gentleman Pirate" comes from his well to do family, not his kindness towards his captives. Stede was also known for his design of a pirate flag which is believed to be the forerunner of the commonly known skull and crossbones. More info on Stede Bonnet is here.
Stede was number 4 to arrive and also weighed 15 oz. He is going to be a flashy boy with lots of white on his seal colored coat. Stede sports a wide blaze that connects to a full collar, white on his muzzle, chest, tail tip, back feet & front stockings.
6 weeks - I truly believe that Stede has got quite a sense of humor in his actions & will probably be somewhat of a clown at times. Reminds me of Holly a little bit in that regards. He is the leader of the pack & does everything with gusto! He is usually full on or he is asleep. Doesn't believe in doing things halfway. 😉 He says that boys just want to have fun!
7 weeks - Yes, even at the trainer's houses, Stede was full of joy and exuberant while working with his new found friends. It didn't take much encouragement at all to get him up and down the A-frame. He also showed some natural instinct on the ducks. Stede has been my comic relief guy and has certainly been a lot of fun these past few weeks!
8 weeks - Stede has gone to VA to be a much loved companion at his new home. He is now known as Blaze, which suits him to a "T". He will be meeting and greeting the children in the neighborhood and hopefully will be a great ambassador for the breed.

Kitty Hawk, NC
Home of the first manned airplane flight by Orville & Wilbur Wright. Kitty Hawk was selected for its dunes and wind to launch the first flight. Today there is a wonderful museum located on the site. More info on the Wright Brothers may be found here.
Hawk was number 6 in the litter and weighed 15 oz. He was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed. Hawk has quite a bit of white on him as well with a right front stocking, white on the other 3 feet, tail tip, muzzle, narrow blaze, full chest & a large spot of white on the back of his neck. He will most likely be seal in coloring.
6 weeks - Hawk is one of the middle of the road kind of pups. I can usually expect to find him right next to me if I am sitting down or next to the fence watching the big dogs in the backyard. He is definitely seal in coloring although the pictures do not do his coat color justice. His nose is still changing over to black - slowly, but surely. Sometimes he answers to the name of Stringfellow as in Stringfellow Hawk from the old TV show Airwolf.
7 weeks - Hawk was a little unsure of the A-frame as well, but did very well with the other equipment and the following day on the ducks. He was one of the few pups that attempted to "cover" the ducks when they tried to make an escape. He is the one that reminds me the most of Dillon. Something about his head shape and of course the markings & coat color helps in that regards, but I have always thought he was going to be a special guy from the start!
8 weeks - Hawk will continue to be known as Hawk! As you can see from the pictures, his nose continues to change over to black. I just never had a pup that took this long to change before. Hawk will always remind me of his daddy, with his coloring, markings & profile of his head. It was like revisiting when Dillon was young. Hawk has moved to PA and will hopefully become a great companion & future agility partner with his owner. He will also get to visit with his half sister Emmy from time to time!

Manteo was among the Indian friends of the settlers on Roanoke Island. He was one of two natives that sailed to England. More information on the life of Manteo may be found here.
Manny was number 7 to arrive and is the only tri-colored pup in the litter. He weighed 13 oz at birth. He has quite a bit of white on him with stockings on his front legs, back feet, chest, a full collar (narrower on one side), muzzle, small blaze and a tip on his tail.
6 weeks - In spite of being one of the middle of the road pups, Manny has made himself memorable by always being the pup that is attached to my leg wherever I go. Literally ... attached to my pants leg. 😉 I take one step & he is there. It will be interesting to see how he does on ducks next week. He is a pretty nice boy overall.
7 weeks - I have mentioned how Manny is attached to my leg, & he continues to be this week. 😉 In spite of that, I really like what I see in the boy. He was one of the pups that had a lot of confidence when dealing with the A-frame & other agility equipment. Plus, he had an outstanding day with the ducks. You can see him actually "pushing" one duck through a covered area in the field. I thought that was pretty cool!
8 weeks - Manny will continue to be known as Manny! He has gone to live in VA on a farm and hopefully will become a great helper, plus the daughter's best friend. Manny will be kept intact for potential breeding down the road.