Litter L - 2012
Lexington, NC

Lane, SC
Lane was the second one to arrive and is our other "twin" in the litter. He does have a tiny blaze, which will disappear as he gets older, plus a white tip on his tail. All four feet have some white, along with his chest & his chin. He too has the black mask on his muzzle. He is one of the bigger pups. Lane was born with rear dewclaws that have been removed.
5 weeks - I really like Lane. He is a middle of the road sort of pup. I watched him learn how to play with one of Kira's red Kong balls this week. He went to investigate it, touched the ball & it rolled away. He went after it, touched it again & rolled it in a different direction. It was pretty cool watching him figure out how to make it work, plus entertain himself! Lane is still one of my "big" boys, but also still a cuddler.
Seven weeks - Lane is quite a cutie, and somewhat mischievous during his playtime with his littermates. Still our biggest boy, but can still be cuddled. At Claire's, Lane showed that he did notice the stock & was willing to work with Claire. Being food motived helped while we were at Jan's house. Following the cheese up and down the A-frame helped ease the scariness of it all. I am very happy in his confidence level away from home.

Luck, NC

Lee County, NC
Lee is our only black and tan pup in the litter. Even though he has a small amount of white on his toes & under his chin, I expect these to be gone before he is grown. He is the other "big" boy in the litter. Lee was born with rear dewclaws that have been removed.
5 weeks - ee is one of my laid back boys. That said, I can always find him getting into some kind of mischief over the course of the day. 😉 If I have a thinker/watcher in the group, it would have to be Lee. It's like he is measuring what he should be doing prior to doing it. I do like the way he runs up to me, wagging his tail, waiting for petting.
7 weeks - Lee continues to be my most laid back boy of the group. I still can look for him to come and climb in my lap whenever I am down on his level. At Claire's, he was willing to work with her on a limited basis & noticed the ducks right away, however, it was hot & he was ready to get out of the pen before his time was up. 😉 At Jan's (Autumn Winds Agility Center), again, he was very willing to work with both Jan and her helper, Kay. Once he went up and down the A-frame the first time, he was willing to try again. Good boy!!!

Logan, NC
Logan is the pup that is marked the most like his sire, Drover. Logan has a three quarter collar, a fairly wide blaze, white on all feet, tip on the tail, white chest & muzzle. He was born with rear dewclaws that have been removed.
5 weeks - Logan is more laid back than Lucky, but if pushed, will stand up for himself. He is a fairly mellow guy; always seems to have a smile on his face, no matter what is going on around him. Logan appreciates the value of a good AC vent & will climb to the top of the puppy pile in order to push his way onto the vent. 😉 He was one of the first pups to master going down the steps.
7 weeks - Logan was a good little worker at Claire's house. Unfortunately, I didn't get very many good pictures of him. The ones with the ducks were mostly out of focus. 😉 The top picture shows him watching the ducks, the middle one is him going with Claire toward the ducks & the bottom one is while they are moving the ducks. At Jan's house, he proved to be willing to try things, especially when there was cheese as a reward! Logan is still one of my middle of the road pups & quite a love at times. I still "see" Drover when I look at him.

Lillington, NC