Duke-Holly 2015

Holly & Duke
Litter P
Click here for pictures of the puppies.

Click here for more info on the parents

Holly gave birth during the first snowfall of the week, on February 24, 2015.  I was thankful she did not deliver early during the previous week since we had a winter storm of mainly ice that just wouldn't melt that week.  At least with this one, it was pretty much that day & then gone the following day.

Pups arrived middle of the afternoon, into early evening.  There were 3 boys and 2 girls in the litter.  All were close to a pound in weight.  They have continued to grow bigger with each passing day.

As with each litter, the pups have been named for places located in North & South Carolina.  I was born in SC, but have lived most of my life in NC.  The "P" names were pretty cool since I was able to pull in some of the Indian names from across the state.  Enjoy watching these little ones grow!

Almost 3 weeks old - Life has a way of taking up one's time to where the website just doesn't get updated like it should.  The pups are almost 3 weeks in age & are growing like weeds.  All eyes are open, teeth are beginning to erupt, pups are walking pretty well, they air-scent for Holly & for people near the pen. Holly has been a great mom.  Nails have been cut twice already. Those seem to grow exceeding fast!  The pups have had visitors this past week & will continue to have a few this coming week. They will also become more confident & begin to explore the world outside of the whelping pen!

4 weeks old - Puppies are still growing like little weeds & their skill set is increasing with each passing moment!  It didn't take but one trip out of the small pen, onto the larger rug for them to decide that life was better out there.  Pungo & Perky scaled the small side of the whelping pen shortly after turning 3 weeks old. All are excited when I come to sit in their larger pen & they try to make a big pile in my lap.  They are also discovering different types of toys, new food sources, how to chew on each other & how to respond to corrections by mom & a growl here & there from myself.  Soon they will be very active all day long!
5 weeks old - This has been an exciting & busy week for the pups.  They have moved out of the smaller pen, into the larger pen inside the house.  They are switching over to puppy food, along with spending a lot of time outside.  They learned to maneuver the steps quickly.  I am not sure that I have ever had a litter that learned how to come down steps safely, that fast. What's even better is they basically taught themselves!  We have had several visitors over this week.  Pups are all excited to see them & are very willing to be held by strangers.  I am enjoying watching them grow & seeing their personalities just beginning to show.
6 weeks old - We are spending most of the day outside now, running, jumping, exploring & widening our horizons.  Today we had a little more inside time since the weather was not quite so cooperative.  They have been exposed to the sounds of the vacuum cleaner, TV, barking dogs, cars driving by, planes overhead and bluegrass guitar, fiddle & banjo playing as well. Not saying that they liked all of the sounds, but they are getting used to it.  Tank likes to sing when Laura plays her fiddle.  I find it interesting that only one of the five does that.
7 weeks old - I am a week late in posting the pictures & updates for the pups, but it was an extremely busy week, to say the least. We started week 7 out with a trip to my agility trainer's home where she & a helper put all the pups into new situations.  All were happy to interact with the two new people.  Some of the pups were not as keen about trying out some of the equipment though.  At the end of the week (actually day 1 of the 8th week), we made the trip to Claire Apple's place for the herding instinct test.  All pups showed interest in the ducks.  Pan was the "workingest" pup that day. On another day, it might be a different pup.  Photos are up of that week, so enjoy the ride!