Holly & Duke
Pups arrived February 24, 2015

Sire: Cadron Creek's Duke Is A Dandy
Date of birth: April 25, 2012
Registration: ESCR, UKC
Hip screen: PennHIP - DI 0.31/0.29
MDR1- normal/normal
Pedigree: Whippoorwill's Robin Jeane by Whippoorwill's Jethro
Height - 22" at the shoulder, Weight - around 57 pounds
The litter is due the last week of February. This pairing takes into consideration the preservation of several old lines.
Holly has a delightful sense of humor and enjoys being and working with her people. She is a quiet herder and has worked mainly with sheep at our trainer’s house. She is quick and responsive when training for agility or just playing ball at home. Since her daddy has retired from agility, she is my main partner and has earned her AGI & AGII agility titles. She has a super temperament & possesses the good sense know how to help enforce the “good” rules at our house. Always alerts to strangers, roaming animals, snakes and predatory birds, plus is a great varmint eradicator. She has proven herself to be a great mom with her previous litters.
From April:
Duke is a black and tan English Shepherd and comes from Whippoorwill and the old Blankenship lines. He keeps us on our toes and is very smart! He loves playing with the kids. He seems to have a natural herding instinct. He is a very strong dog and has dabbled in agility training. He is a take charge dog and tends to be the bossy one of our two dogs. He is very eager to please us though.
I was very impressed with Duke's friendliness and temperament while we were there visiting. One reason I chose Duke is because he is Rex's grandson. Duke's sire was from a one time cross between Rex (as an old male) & a b&t female that went back to the Blankenship lines. Duke reminds me a lot of Rex with his temperament, but is actually a better looking boy! Rex was the male we used for Bec's second & third litters.
Along with Duke's paternal side of the family's pure b&t heritage, Holly also brings some of those b&t lines from her maternal side of the pedigree. From her paternal side, there is the Jarratt, Piper and the Guy Wilson bloodline.