Perquimans River, NC
The river and county were named for the Perquimans Indian tribe in Eastern NC. The name Perky is also special to my family as that was the name of our English Shepherd when I was a small child. Perky lived with us in SC, and came from one of my grandfather's English Shepherd litters.
Perky was the last pup born & the largest in the litter at 1 pound 3 oz! I am not sure if she will be as "red" as Pungo, but is also a sable pup. Perky has the most white on her with stockings on her front legs. She was born with double rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Perky continues to be one of the largest pups & is beginning to show some "attitude" out & about with the pups. Check out the curl in her tail as she struts across the yard. This is not her tail set. 😉 She is quite a love & just wags her tail whenever she sees folks. All in all, she is a sweet pup.
6 weeks - Perky is still one of the bigger pups & by default, one of the leaders of the group. This may change in the next week though. She is still very loving to people, likes to be held & interact with folks. For that matter, all the pups do. 😉 She is one of my big explorers & is willing to launch off by herself to see new worlds, just around the corner of the house.

Pocotaligo, SC
Pocotaligo was one of the villages for the Upper Yamasee tribe. There is quite a bit of history associated with the town and the war between the Indian tribes and the SC militia.
Poco was the first pup to be born and weighed 15 oz at birth. She is black and tan with minor white markings on her feet, chin, belly & tail. She was born with double back dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Poco seems to be a little more laid back than Perky at the moment. All that can change in a week or two. A sweet girl, she does seek out attention whenever I am around the group. She was the last to decide that puppy food might not be a bad thing. She is still the "smallest" of the group, but not by much.
6 weeks - Poco is about to come around to this kibble mindset for food. Every now & then you see her hold back when the others start eating with gusto. She is a very pretty little girl & one that is beginning to branch out on her own, whether it be exploring, or deciding to do something different than her siblings.

Pasquotank River, NC
The Pasquotank River (& county) is located in Eastern NC. The name is derived from pashetanki, an Algonquian word translated as "where the current forks."
Tank is the largest of the boys. He was the fourth born pup & weighed in at 1 pound 1 oz. He is black and tan with minor white markings on his feet, chest, tip of tail, and the front of his muzzle. He was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Tank has a quiet confidence about him. Being one of the larger pups, he can certainly be in charge just based on his size. He does seem to be a fun loving sort of guy so far. Tank is very content to be held. He was one of the first to figure out how to make it down the steps safely. That is one thing that I always worry about, but he & Pan mastered it fairly quickly.
6 weeks - Not sure if you can tell from the pictures, but Tank is changing some of his facial hair colors right before my eyes. I noticed a few days ago that the black hairs across the top of his head are now sable rooted with black tips. You can see this same thing is happening on the hair between his eyes. Time will tell, but the only other pups from here that had sable rooted black hair on their heads, turned out to be "open faced" tris when all was said and done. No matter what happens, he is still going to be a looker!
Tank is becoming more adventurous with each passing day. He is always one of the first to explore new areas. Still very content to be held, he is a super nice guy.

Pantego, NC
I have fond memories of Pantego. My family lived in the Plymouth & Roper area for about 5 years of my childhood. This was the time when my folks took up "junking" which today would mean antique shopping. We would travel to the Pantego area searching for furniture - bed frames, dressers, chairs, etc. Then the furniture would be refinished by my father. I still have my marble top dresser from one of those junking trips. But what made Pantego so memorable was Mrs. Lee's Restaurant. She would always be at the cash register with her hair pinned up in pin curls in preparation for the next day's hairstyle. 😉
Pan was number 2 to arrive and is black and tan with minor white markings on his feet, chest & under his chin. Not only did Pan have double rear dewclaws at birth, but also had double front dewclaws, which is something I have never seen before. These extra toes have been removed. I figured since he was "outstanding", he needed a special name.
5 weeks -Pan is a lot of fun. He does seem to be on the correcting end of Holly, but I have yet to see what she is correcting him for most of the time. Pan quickly figured out that puppy food was a good thing & was quicker to understand that than his siblings. When outside, Pan usually finds something to carry around, whether it be a leaf, a piece of bark, a stick, etc. He tends to recognize his name, which I think is really neat.
6 weeks - Pan is such a chunk and a hunk too! He's not quite as tall as Tank, but I guarantee that he weighs more! Pan is a middle of the road kind of guy & is learning manners from his mom on how to behave. He is beginning to seek me out for interaction & cuddling. Pan is the one that reminds me the most of Kira's head shape & eye set. Tank is pretty close to this as well, but I can "see" Kira in his face whenever I gaze at Pan.

Pungo River, NC
The Pungo River is located in Eastern NC & forms a boundary between Beaufort & Hyde County. It was named for the Machapunga Indian tribe.
Pungo was the third pup to be born & weighed in at 15 oz. He will most likely be about Holly's coloring when grown. He has some minor white markings on his feet, chest, and under his chin. Pungo had rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Pungo has been quite a love bug from the start. If I hear a pup "requesting" to be picked up, I can pretty much be sure that it is Pungo. Or if I sit down on their level, he is one of the first pups to climb into my lap & then he stays. He is a sweet mellow boy right now.
6 weeks - Pungo is still my "most likely to seek out human company" pup in the litter. A sweetheart of a pup, he also seems to like having his picture taken. He is always posing for me! The coloring that is on his face is most likely the color he will be when he is grown. This is very close to Holly's coat color. Like all the pups, he can mix it up with his siblings, but all in all, he is a pretty mellow guy.