The Jack/Bec Litter
D Litter
Puppies arrived on March 8, 2007. There are 5 females, 2 males.
At the end of week 8, the pups are beginning to go to their new homes. They have continued to grow, learn and experience new situations on a daily basis. Our vet made a house call for their checkup early in the week. The pups all handled it all like champs.

In keeping with the theme of my home states (birth state-SC, home state-NC), the pups in this litter carry a name that come from these 2 states. Our first b&t girl is Dale. Dale is named for a town located in SC. I originally thought all myb&t girls were just about identical, but right now, Dale has the darkest colored feet of the three.
Dale seems to take cuteness to a whole new level. She always makes me smile at her antics & is quite confident in her abilities to be a leader in the litter. Dale is one of the pups that is quick to respond to my calling and will follow me around trying to catch my eye. She is a complete love and has no qualms about being cradled like a baby in your arms. Dale left for her new home on Sunday morning. She will be living in VA with the Thrasher family, along with their 3 year old b&t ES male, Jack. Dale's new name is Jess.

The Great Pee Dee River flows through SC and actually was fairly near my hometown of Marion, SC. We would have to cross the river to go shopping at Treasure City located in Florence.
Dee continues to be the quiet explorer of the group. I have noticed this week that the pups are extremely eager to "be with me" especially if I call them. I can pretty much count on Dee to be one of the first pups to respond to my call and run to me no matter how far away I am.
Dee left for her new home in North Carolina on Saturday. She will be living with the English's and is looking forward to becoming best pals with the two boys and their dad.

One of North Carolina's claim to fame is the Lost Colony which included the Dare family. Virginia Dare was the first English baby to be born in the New World. Dare is also the name of one of North Carolina's coastal counties. Dare has lovely markings even as a tiny baby. I am extremely partial to the deep black "V's" on her cheeks.
Dare is enjoying the great outdoors and exploring new parts of the yard with her siblings. I can usually count on her coming back up on the porch when she gets tired and needs to nap. She is one of the quieter pups & doesn't see the need to be pushy in most situations. She is continuing to develop into a beautiful black and tan girl & will eventually be heading out to Oregon.

Darla's name is taken from Darlington, SC. Many folks know this town due to its NASCAR fame.
Darla is our smallest girl right now. She has white markings on her chest & belly, white feet and a partial collar. She has the least amount of white on her feet of the white marked pups.
Darla continues to make her presence known among her littermates. As tough as she acts with them, she is a super loving pup with me. I love watching the pups run around with their playful bounces. Darla has a very confident air about her as she learns about her new surroundings. Darla's her new home is in eastern NC within the week. She can be as tough as nails when she needs to be, but also a very loving pup.

Dixie is just because this is the part of the country we live in! Actually, I ran out of possible D names from NC & SC for girls, but Dixie seems to fit this one well.
Dixie was the largest pup in the litter at birth weighing in at 15 oz. She has a small white stripe on the back of her neck, white chest and belly markings along with stocking feet and a small blaze.
Dixie continues to test where she is within the litter. This whole litter seems to be very affectionate and fairly accepting of me and the big dogs as being alphas. Dixie seems to be one of those pups within the middle of the pack. She is becoming more inquisitive about the yard and is willing to seek out new experiences without any trouble.
Dixie will be with us for a little over a week before she goes to her new home in VA. The Havens & their young son will be her companions.

Duncan is a town located in NC. He is the smaller of the two boys and may end up sporting the most white. He is very cute with his stocking feet, white chest and belly along with an arrow shaped marking on the back of his neck.
Duncan can hold his own against any of his siblings, but remains a cuddly guy. He will wait patiently in the pen for his turn to be picked up when it is time to go outside. He is growing in leaps and bounds and is now one of the larger pups in the litter!
Duncan will be making his new home in the mountains of NC. The Alexanders have owned ES a very long time, & Duncan will be the first one they have owned with white markings.

Davie County is located in the middle of NC & is actually the home county of some of my grandparents.
Davie is the next to the largest pup in the litter weighing in at 14.6 oz at birth. He too has the white stocking feet, white chest & belly, along with a small blaze and a partial collar.
Davie reacts and responds the quickest of the litter when called from a distance. He is one of the largest pups & leaders of the pack as well. It's not unusual to see him and either Dale or Darla mixing it up. As much as he likes to explore with Dee, I find that he and Dee are also the pups that tend to be at my feet waiting for attention. Davie's tan seems to be getting a little darker over time, but I don't think it will ever be as dark as his siblings.
Davie will be heading off into his new life with Pam Kaye & family in MT. Future plans for Davie include agility & herding.