The K Litter

Dam: Wingler’s White Oak Holiday "Holly"
Date of birth: November 21, 2008
Registration: ESCR, UKC
Hip screen: PennHIP - DI 0.41/0.36
MDR1 - normal/normal
Pedigree: Wingler's White Oak Kira by Wingler's Dillon
Height - 21" at the shoulder, Weight - around 45 pounds
Sire: Thrasher's Blackjack "Jack"
Date of birth: December 31, 2003
Registration: UKC
Hip screen: OFA - Good
MDR1 - normal/normal
Pedigree: Carousel's Honey McGowan by Maynard's Duke
Height - 22" at the shoulder, Weight - around 65 pounds
For Holly's second litter, I knew I wanted to pair her up with a black and tan male. For the past year, I have been talking with stud owners, studying pedigrees and going to meet some of the boys whenever possible. I have talked with Bart off and on over the past 5 years, since he and Sara had purchased one of Bec's pups back in 2007. When I began talking about the possible match-up between Jack and Holly in 2011, I really thought Holly would be cycling in before the end of the year. As it turned out, she waited until January instead.
We have had a fairly mild winter here in NC & VA, but it was plenty cold while Holly & I were in VA! We arrived on a Saturday afternoon, saw ice on the trees that day, followed by a dusting of snow by Sunday morning. Did I say it was cold?? I was glad I had packed gloves, a heavy coat and a hat, but the wind could still cut right through us. Fortunately Sara had a wonderful stock of hot tea, so we managed to stay warm while visiting with Jack.
Jack is an 8 year old male & has a stocky build, with some curl to his coat. He has a wonderful disposition and temperament. I was looking for a male with a rock solid temperament, and definitely found him in Jack. He has grown up with the Thrasher boys and is loved by all. Bart says that Jack keeps the predators out of the garden, which is a trait that I admire. Jack comes from those pure black and tan lines. You will see some of the same ancestors in his pedigree, as you will see in Holly's pedigree, back through Kira's paternal side of the family.
So far I have liked what I see in Holly. She is a quiet, easy moving herder and still has a way to go to be able to work a little more independently. Her attitude toward people is generally one of friendliness. Her temperament has been excellent. She, like her daddy Dillon, possesses the "policing" aspect of the ES breed - they are both into rules and making sure that the peace is maintained at our house. Holly also is a great English Shadow - likes her people and wants to interact with them. With her 2010 litter, I really got to observe Holly's nurturing/mothering skills. She was a great mom to her pups. I did see a little more protective side than I was expecting when folks came to visit with the pups. She was great with the visitors, but also let them know (in a firm, but gentle manner) that those were her pups. 😉
With this breeding I am striving to produce puppies that will work stock, have rock solid temperaments and be wonderful all-round family members. I expect these pups to bond closely to their families and hopefully be that once in a lifetime dog.