Litter Q - 2015
Gyp was our first born weighing in at a whopping 1 pound at birth. She has a partial white collar on the right side of her neck along with a white patch on the back of her neck. When grown this white patch will give the appearance of a collar. The thin white blaze on her face will most likely disappear & she could possibly lose some of the white markings on her feet. She does have a small white tip on her tail. Gyp was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Gyp can be a sassy little girl, very much a take charge kind of pup in most situations. A sweetheart of a girl, I really like her spunky nature. She is quick to respond, loves to be with people & to be held.
6 weeks - Our little girl Gyp is the first to sit whenever it is feeding time. This group of pups has been better about doing that than some of my other litters. It's hard to sit still when you are excited about eating! Gyp did some nice things at my agility trainer's house including going through the tunnel without any issues, she was very willing to go with either Jan or Sandy to attempt new things, but wasn't crazy about the A-frame. We did get her to go "down" it, but she was more interested in exploring other things than wanting to climb up it!

Lady is easy to spot with her white full collar. She was the fifth pup born and weighed in at 1 pound. She has white stockings on all four legs, a narrow blaze, plus a tip on her tail. She was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Lady is still my check everything out girl. She is curious about things in a good way. A super sweet girl, she is one that will always find her way into your lap for her share of the loving and attention.
6 weeks - Lady was our surprise "star" while over at Jan's place. She started up the A-frame by herself when she went over to check it out on her own. Then she started climbing a little bit. Needless to say, we got over there quickly. She went up, down & back up again. Her inquisitiveness paid off that day! Lady may end up being a climber of many things. I have to make sure I have the 30" x-pens up for the containment inside the house. If using the 24" one, she can almost pull herself up over the top. Usually she is a pretty sweet girl, and is the biggest of all the pups.

Captain was the small one at birth - only weighing 15 oz. His white markings include all four feet, a long blaze that connects to the neck markings and an almost a full collar (doesn't quite meet on the right side) . The connecting part of the blaze may disappear when he is grown, or it will be less obvious as white tends to "shrink" as the pups grow. Captain was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Not only is Captain a nice looking boy, but he is also a neat puppy. He likes to give and receive loving. Usually he is very responsive to being called, which is no small feat for a 5 week old pup!
6 weeks - Just the sight of Captain makes me smile. I can't explain it, but he does. Captain was also interested in following the food while on the agility equipment & did a pretty good job while we were there. He did have to go back and check on his siblings inside the x-pen to make sure they were okay every now & then. He is still one of my sweethearts & I can usually find him close by. I love the way he & his siblings respond to their names being called individually, and also how they come as a group when the entire group is needed.

Major was the third pup born and he also weighed in at 1 pound. He is a pretty little tri-color withe a thin, but full collar, a spot on the back of his neck, short white stockings, a small tail tip, chest & face markings. The blaze will be narrower when he is grown. Major was the only pup that was not born with rear dewclaws.
5 weeks - Major is our inquisitive male pup for the week. He likes to explore, see where noises are coming from, likes to interact with people & more! His face continues to change over to more tan. It is obvious in some photos more than others.
6 weeks - Major was the first pup out at Jan's house & did a wonderful job! He impressed Jan with his willingness to interact & to try everything. Definitely very food motivated - he didn't think twice about following the cheese down the A-frame. Major continues to be quite a social kind of guy & somewhat of a leader within the litter. He has been testing me a little bit over the past week, but we are working through who is really in charge of things around here.

Black & White
The best I can tell right now, Prince will be black & white. He was the last pup to arrive and weighed 1 pound 1 oz at birth. With his long white stockings on his front legs, his full white chest, muzzle & blaze, he will be quite a looker when he is grown. He does have a small squiggle on the back of his neck. Prince was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Prince is a little reserved when presented with new folks. He likes to watch for a bit and then make his move with them. Watching, thinking & then making that judgment call on situations is a well known ES trait. He is a happy boy, tail wagging, loving being picked up & dotted upon by his folks. He is a sweet boy.
6 weeks - Prince went right through the tunnel without any problems at my trainer's home. Many times this can be a daunting task for a young pup. He is beginning to blossom a bit in his interactions with new folks. Prince can instigate some of the rough housing around here within the puppy pack. When being held and petted, he melts in your arms with his tail just a wagging the whole time. He was one of the first pups to begin wagging his tail & hasn't stopped since!

Shep was the second pup to arrive and also weighed in at 1 pound. As you can see, Shep definitely has more white on him. He has long white stockings on all four legs, a full white collar, a very wide blaze (almost a split face), a white tip on his tail, along with the tips of his ears. He was also born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.
5 weeks - Shep is learning to hold his own position within the pack sometimes by size, sometimes by using a little bit of force to back things up. Still quite a love bug & a social boy. It's always surprising to pick him up & realize that he is not as heavy as he looks. Some ticking (freckles/spots) is beginning to show on his face within the white areas
6 weeks - Our boy, Shep! When Shep gets ready to rest, I can usually find him at, or on top of my feet if I an nearby. He is more of my middle of the road kind of guy - a real sweetheart of a pup. Not to say that he doesn't have his "puppy" moments, but in general seems to be a laid back sort of fellow. He was happy to interact with Jan & Sandy on the agility equipment.