GG & Logan
Litter born June 20, 2017

Dam: White Oak Glory Girl
Date of birth: May 9, 2008
Registration: ESCR, UKC
Hip screen: PennHIP - DI 0.35/0/30
MDR1 - normal/normal by pedigree
Pedigree: Wingler's Becca by Lone Palmetto Jeb Stuart
Black & White

Sire: Holdfast White Oak Logan
Date of birth: June 9, 2012
Registration: ESCR
Hip screen: PennHIP - DI 0.32/0.36
MDR1- normal/normal; CEA & PRA/Prcd - clear
Pedigree: Wingler's White Oak Kira by Maplegrovefarm's Rimrock Drover
This litter is due the third week of June and brings together some of the different lines I have been working with throughout the past 14 years. GG (Glory Girl) is owned by my friend Vicki McKinnie, but I will be raising and placing the pups. GG is 3/4 Guy Wilson line & 1/4 of a harder to find Piper line out of VA. Logan, through Kira, brings in some of the old black and tan lines, along with some Butcher influence through his sire Drover, as well as a smattering of other lines. GG is from our 2008 "F" litter (Fontana) & Logan is from our 2012 "L" litter. For this litter, it was important to me to match good temperaments, good hips, and have biddable pups. I believe that this litter should do well in most any type of home, whether that is an active, companion, or working. We are expecting black & white and tri-colors in this litter.
The reports I have received on the puppies from the 2015 litter have been very positive. I also get to work with Truman (was Major in the Q litter) almost weekly at our agility classes. I couldn't ask for a nicer guy! He recently had his PennHIP x-rays done. His left hip DI is 0.25 and his right hip DI is 0.17. As Dr. John said, "Wow!"
From Vicki: GG is a very loving and attentive lady, she enjoys playing frisbee and fetch, but she enjoys just being close just as much. Very alert to changes in our property (her domain) and lets me know if anyone is around. I feel if she had been trained as a herding dog she would have really shined, but I don't have stock. I love her gentle nature and her ability to stand her own ground when need be.
Me: GG's dam, Bec, has always been such a rock solid gal with regards to temperament. Bec usually imprinted that on her puppies & GG is no exception. I have always been impressed with GG's temperament & have enjoyed watching her grow up over the years. GG did show a lot of instinct during her puppy herding test at the age of 6-7 weeks. She was very easy to get along with while she was here in 2015. She was kind and considerate to both of our elder dogs, Bela & Bec at that time.
From Sandi: Logan is 55 pounds, 21 inches at the shoulder, black tri male. He is by nature a cheerful and outgoing dog and enthusiastic companion and training partner. He is game for about anything. He will quickly chase off coyotes and will go up a tree to get a squirrel. He is very athletic and agile and is currently training in herding, agility, tracking, barnhunt and rally. Performance titles include: RL1-AOE RL1X RL2-AOE JHDd HTADIs RATO
Me: I was so pleased to be able to place Logan in a home where he could be evaluated and stay intact. He has the lighter bone build of Kira. Logan is a happy, outgoing, active sort of guy. It was just what I was hoping for with the cross between Kira & Drover.

Photos from 2015