The early settlers to what is now known as Manhattan in New York City, mistakenly called Weckquaesgeek tribe by their location, not their tribe name. Manhattoe was the very southern tip of the island. More information may be found here.
Manhattoe was pup number 5 and weighed in at 11 ounces. He has the following white markings: one long front stocking, one shorter front stocking, small white muzzle, thin blaze, almost full collar, full white chest and a medium length tip on the tail. I would expect the blaze & possibly part of the muzzle to disappear as he matures. Like his sister Lila, I will have to watch Manhattoe to see if he will have a black and white coat or possibly a seal or ghost tri one.

6 Weeks Old
Manny is a confident boy who can usually be found in the midst of whatever is going on with the litter. He is sweet, loving, likes to be held, gives kisses and all in all, a very neat pup. He appears to have a seal coat like Lila, but his is a little harder to catch in a photo. Trust me that he does have brown coloring in his coat & has the lighter coloring around his eyes. He is a lovely boy!

5 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old