Big Moose Lake is located in the Adirondacks in the state of New York. More information may be found here.
Moose was the first puppy and arrived at 1:57 am and weighed in at 12 ounces. His white markings include four white feet, muzzle, a thin blaze that connects all the way to the collar, strip of white on the chest, small tip on his tail plus a half collar. I expect the blaze to completely disappear by the time he is grown. Time will tell if he is just a black and white pup or seal or ghost tri. We will be watching him over the next few weeks.

6 Weeks Old
Moose continues to impress me on a daily basis. While he will mix and mingle with the best of them, he tends to come back to my feet to see what is going on. Yesterday I was loosely working on rewarding puppies for sitting (on their own) and giving them a piece of kibble as a reward. Most of the pups were settling down for a nap outside, but Moose would come up, sit & look at me. At first I thought it was fluke, so I moved to a different place and there he would be - sitting, looking up at me, waiting for his reward. I love the smart pups who figure things out on their own. He was the first in the litter to alert bark. Moose loves to be held, snuggled and gives kisses. He is going to make someone one heck of a friend, shadow & helper! As far as his coat color is concerned, he may end up being a ghost tri. I will continue to watch, but am not seeing all the indicators that tell me seal on his coat, with the exception of some brownish tints to his fur.

5 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old