Linville Falls is located off the Blue Ridge Parkway. More information may be found here. The name Lynn is serving double duty in memory of Ed Lynn Jarratt, who owned Russ, my beloved Dillon's sire.
Lynn was the seventh pup born and weighed in at 11 ounces. She is a black and tan, with minor white markings . Those markings include a white stocking on her left front leg, a right white foot and white toes on the back. There is a narrow streak of white from under her chin, which widens at the chest. She does have a small white tip on her tail which may disappear as she gets older. Lynn was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.

7 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old

5 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old