Roaring Fork Creek Falls is located in the Pisgah National Forest. More information may be found here.
Rory was the sixth pup to arrive and smallest at 9 ounces. He is sable with minor white markings. I believe he has a black mask, but will have to wait and see as he lightens up over the next few weeks. His white markings include the toes of each foot and white on his chest, but it does not run up to his chin. Rory was born with double rear dewclaws, which have been removed. Rory is marked very much like his namesake from our very first litter in 2003. The first Rory was my Dillon's littermate & lived with Ed Lynn Jarratt.

7 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old

5 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old