Soco Falls is located at the edge of the Cherokee Indian Reservation between Maggie Valley & Cherokee. More information may be found here.
Soco was the first pup to arrive and weighed in at 15 ounces. He is a sable boy and definitely carries the black & tan type markings. His white markings include medium length stockings on his front legs and foot or toes on the back. He does have a little bit of white on his muzzle, a small blaze and a small tip on the tail. Most likely the tail tip & blaze will disappear as he gets older. He does have white under his chin, down through his chest. Soco was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.

7 Weeks Old

6 Weeks Old

5 Weeks Old

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old