I knew from past experience that small litters tend to run past the expected date of 63 days following ovulation, and true to form, Roper was two days later. What I didn't know & didn't expect was an early snow in NC. We rarely ever have snow in December, and yet, ended up with about 5 1/2" here in Apex on December 9th.
Due to the season, and the snow, the boys' litter names carry some Christmas significance. Clement is named in honor of Clement Clarke Moore, who wrote 'Twas the Night Before Christmas. Nick, well, I am betting you can figure that one out. Both Roper & pups are doing well. Grandma Holly is doing her part to make sure that the boys are well taken care of too! It is not unusual to see her in the pen (when Roper is outside) cleaning & snuggling with the boys. This is pretty interesting since I haven't had this type of situation before.
Week 2 - With Christmas upon us, this has proven to be a busy week around here. Both Clement & Nick continue to do well, grow bigger, and more! Eyes and ears opened up around day 10. Since then they have been busy exploring life outside of themselves, interacting with one another, learning to walk and scamper around the whelping pen. They have had their nails cut twice, had their first dose of Strongid-T and continue to be cared for by both Roper & Holly. They are very clean pups!
Week 3 - Christmas & New Year's are now behind us, so I am hoping life gets back to normal for us here. Both Nick & Clement weighed in at over 5 pounds on Sunday night, but maneuver easily when walking or moving about. It won't be long before they will get their first taste of kibble mush. Teeth have come in & Roper is handling thing admirably. Holly still hops in the pen with them. So far, neither has come over the short side of the pen, but I expect that to happen at any point now. We did make our first trip outside today. While it was still wet & muddy, at least it wasn't raining. The boys checked things out in the grass, walked on the sidewalk and in general, seemed to like things okay.
Week 4 - More changes are happening with the boys as the weeks progress. The inside pen has been enlarged, outside visits are happening on a frequent basis, semi-solid food has been introduced, introduction to a new item per day is occurring, and I have started working with them on having all feet on the floor (preferably in a sit position) before petting and/or picking them up. There are no commands are associated with this behavior, just a learned behavior on their part. They are responding well to coming when I call them. It is always so neat to watch them run down the sidewalk to me.
Week 5 - The boys have had a lot of new stuff going on this week. The outside pen was set up, they are eating meals outside as well as a little bit of nursing. I have moved a bed into their inside pen, along with the activity box and redesigned the layout so they have room to play when inside. Outside has brought new experiences including rain & having to go potty in the rain, outside toys and being able to run around with mom, learning how to dig, how to go up & down the front steps, among other things.
Week 6 - This week has brought about more introductions to new things, new places to eat, sleep and play as well. Holly has spent some time out in the outdoor pen with them, but for the most part, that is still reserved for Roper. The boys are fully weaned (best I can tell - Roper is almost dried up!). They are making fast work when it comes to eating. They are playing hard, sleeping good and trying to stay warm over the past few days.