Clement Clarke Moore author of 'Twas the Night Before Christmas
Clement was the first to be born at 3 am. He will be about the same color as his mother, Roper. He has a black mask, white muzzle, blaze, 3/4 collar, white chest, front legs, back feet & a tip on his tail. Clement weighed in at 1 pound, 3 ounces at birth!

6 Weeks Old
I know you are sitting there wondering why I have so many photos of Clement just sitting there. I think that this will illustrate my point about one of his traits, which is so like his mother, Roper. Clement will intentionally get ahead of you and then sit for attention. It's kind of fun, but one has to remember to reward him for his good, calm sit and not overlook what he is accomplishing. Overall, Clement is a good boy unless he is overly tired, then can be a little mouthy (with teeth - grabbing at things). I find him a lot of fun to be around. He is going to be a quick study at his new home in just a few more weeks!

5 Weeks Old
Clement can be a cuddly boy at times, yet ready to be rough & tumble at others. He does possess curiosity about things - new experiences, new things, new areas and is learning to put all four feet on the floor before being picked up. The operative word is "learning" which means there is still work to do. While Clement is much lighter in color than when he was born, that is because he obviously inherited the "fading gray" gene that came down through Dillon & the Jarratt side of the family tree. He will continue to lighten up for a couple more months & then will go back darker again - more like Roper & Holly.

4 Weeks Old

3 Weeks Old

2 Weeks Old

1 Week Old