The Parents of Litter I

Dam: Wingler’s White Oak Holiday "Holly"
Date of birth: November 21, 2008
Registration: ESCR, UKC
Hip screen: PennHIP - DI 0.41/0.36
MDR1 - normal/normal
Pedigree: Wingler's White Oak Kira by Wingler's Dillon
Height - 21" at the shoulder, Weight - around 45 pounds

Sire: Good Shepherd's Hallelujah Rudolph "Rudy"
Date of birth: November 21, 2006
Registration: ESCR, UKC
Hip screen: PennHIP - DI 0.35/0.32
MDR1 - normal/normal
Pedigree: Good Shepherd's Hallelujah by Good
Shepherd's White Oak Sawyer
Height - 22" at the shoulder, Weight - around 50 pounds
From the day we knew Holly would be staying here, I have been playing around with possible match-ups in my head for her. In October of 2009, I had the opportunity to meet Amy Dorsch in person, along with Rudy at the NC ES Gathering. At my request Amy brought Rudy with her instead of one of her other dogs. I really wanted to see if Rudy was everything I thought he was just from looking at his pictures. Boy, was he ever!
I knew at that point, Holly & I would make a road trip to IL to make this breeding happen. I just didn't know it would be for her first litter. She and I packed up the van early one Tuesday morning at the end of June and drove two days straight to arrive at Stockton late the following afternoon.
I was welcomed at Amy's house that evening when we went out to introduce the dogs. What I saw regarding Rudy during the time I was there just confirmed everything in my mind that this was the right thing to have done. Both Holly & Rudy are my Bec's grandpups and will be "building" on her temperament through their puppies. Rudy's sire, Sawyer, came from our second litter here, which was the black and tan litter with Rex. Holly's sire, Dillon, came from our first litter here with Russ (Jarratt line). Both Sawyer and Dillon have proven themselves over the years with their temperament, good sense and great hips. Both boys are also "smilers" even though Rudy & Holly aren't. So this trait may pop up in this litter since I have seen it skip a generation around here.
So far I have liked what I see in Holly. She is a quiet, easy moving herder and still has a way to go to be able to work a little more independently, but I feel that this will come with maturity. Her attitude toward people is generally one of friendliness. Her temperament has been excellent. She, like Dillon, possesses the "policing" aspect of the ES breed - they are both into rules and making sure that the peace is maintained at our house. Watching her with Scout (Hunter) last year showed me her nuturing side with young pups. While we were at Amy's, I also was able to see how she would react around young children. Amy's youngest is 3 years old and he was able to interact with Holly without any issues. Holly also is a great English Shadow - likes her people and wants to interact with them.
With a Rudy breeding I am striving to produce puppies that will work stock, have rock solid temperaments, and be easy on the eyes to look at as well. I expect these pups to bond closely to their families and hopefully be that once in a lifetime dog. If you are interested in a pup from this litter, please contact me. I will send you a questionnaire and we can talk further. I am very excited about this litter and the potential that these pups will possess.