Robbinsville, NC
Located in the southwest section of the NC mountains
Robin was the first pup to arrive and weighed in at 12 oz. I believe she must be about the color of Zeke when he was little. I have not ever had one this shade of sable before out of Holly. Robin has a narrow blaze that connects back to her neck markings. Chances are when she is grown, there will be a break between the two. She has a small white tip on her tail, white chest, a small amount of white on her muzzle, four white feet & markings on the back of her neck that are similar to Holly's "collar". Robin also has a black mask. Robin was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.

7 weeks old
Robin was our star at the herding instinct testing at Claire Apple's place this past week! She showed some impressive moves with the ducks. Not only did she notice them, but was actually moving them on her own. At my agility trainer's facility, she pretty much did everything that was asked of her, including climbing the 5 foot tall A-frame & going down it without too much help.

6 weeks old
Robin continues to be the first pup to sit whenever I approach the group. She was also the first to figure out how to find her way around the gate door out of the outside pen area (problem solving at its finest). She comes up the two porch steps with ease & does not hesitate to come inside through the front door.

5 weeks old
Robin is my talker - not my barker or my whiner, but my talker. Of the three girls, she is the smallest, but still a pretty good sized little girl! I have been working with the pups (as a group) on sitting to be petted or to be picked up. She sits the quickest of the three. She is a pretty sweet little girl, brave at times, brash at others and growing up very quickly.

4 weeks old

3 weeks old

2 weeks old

1 week old