Ronda, NC
Located in Wilkes County
Ronda was the second pup to arrive & weighed in at a solid pound! Even though she looks very dark in the pictures, I believe she will be a sable & white girl, albeit a dark sable. It's hard to tell yet if she also sports a black mask like her littermates. She does have a full white collar, long front stockings, white back feet and the longest tail tip of them all. Marking wise, she reminds me a lot of her grandfather Dillon. While her blaze currently connects to her collar, I do not think it will be so once she is grown. Ronda was not born with rear dewclaws.

7 weeks
My word for Ronda this week is enthusiastic! At Claire Apple's place for the herding instinct testing, Ronda ran with great joy toward Claire, then away, then back to her! She did notice the ducks & moved them a few times. While at Jan Santel's for the agility equipment, Ronda showed her great joy & enthusiasm while working with the ladies from my agility class. She is definitely food motivated which will be a great help in training her. Her joy is contagious & makes everyone around happy to be a part of her circle of friends.

6 weeks
Ronda is usually the last pup to sit when they are wanting out of the pen. However, when outside, she will sit patiently at my feet waiting for me to notice her good behavior so I can pet her. She also seems to be a natural born poser for the camera. She says that only the special dogs have that talent!

5 weeks
First of all, pictures do not do justice to Ronda's coat color. I hope by next week it will show up in the pictures, but I can't really see it in these shots. Underneath, Ronda has a dark mahogany sable color (think Holly's red color), followed by the darker brown/black and now the tips of these hairs are going back to the undercoat color. It almost gives a "frosted" look to her fur. Ronda is usually the first one to try something new & figure it out. She notices where Holly comes into the pen & knows that is an exit, even though she cannot manage it yet. She knows where the entrance is to the steps (I have them blocked off right now when we are outside). When I introduced them to the puppy dogwalk, she followed my fingers across it without thinking twice. She is so smart. She was also the first to figure out what to do with the puppy food!

4 weeks

3 weeks

2 weeks

1 week