Roper, NC
Located in eastern NC, Washington Co.
Roper finally put in her appearance shortly after midnight. She weighed in at 15 oz. Roper is colored the most like Holly was at this age & carries Holly's longer stockings on her back legs. She has a medium length white tip on her tail, a full collar, white muzzle & blaze. She also has a black mask. Roper was born with rear dewclaws which have been removed.

7 weeks
Roper did well at Jan's house with her agility helpers following the trail of cheese being laid out for her. I am always amazed when the puppies top the A-frame and continue down the other side. Roper only hesitated for a few seconds & then down after the food trail she went! Over at Claire Apple's house, she definitely noticed the ducks, but wasn't as sure about them as her sister Robin. She was up close & personal with them & actually moved them a couple of times. Notice in the last photo that there is a cat giving Roper some pointers!

6 weeks
Roper, like the other two, can be a very busy little girl. There are holes to dig, places to run to, food to eat, plants to chew on and sisters that need a wrestling partner. It's tough being a puppy! Roper is learning to sit when she wants attention as well. She can climb the front steps very easily and comes into the house without a problem.

5 weeks
Ah, Roper .... what can I say? I don't know that any of the girls are the leader of the pack, but Roper probably would give them a good run for the money for that title. While sometimes she can appear a little cautious when investigating something new, it doesn't take much for her to conquer the task at hand. I was rather proud of the pups when I put the little tunnel on the ground. They were having a rollicking & rolling good time. It didn't seem to bother them at all that the tunnel was rolling across the ground while they ran through it. I thought that was pretty cool!

4 weeks

3 weeks

2 weeks

1 week