Tega Cay, SC
Located on a peninsula along Lake Wylie.
Tega, I have been told, should have been the first puppy to be born. Her head & one leg was out of position for the birth process to take place. Tega weighed in at 1 pound, and her white markings are very similar to her grandfather, Dillon.

8 Weeks
Tega left for her new home today and has headed down to SC to live with the Senn family. Her new name will be Millie. She has an older "brother" from our L litter named Gus, a variety of animals to help look after, plus a wonderful family to love and raise her up right. I am looking forward to watching this little girl grow up!

7 Weeks
Tega continues to spread her wings, so to speak, in new situations. We did have new folks come over to visit the day they turned 7 weeks old. Tega decided that she really liked Carolyn. I think she would have gone home with her. 😉 We also made a trip back over to Jan's house, but I did not get more photos. Tega went up & down the A-frame about three different times. After the first trip over it, she handled things like a pro, just like she had been doing it forever!

6 Weeks
Tega can be such a love bug. She has really blossomed this week & really, whatever Taylor can do, so can Tega. There doesn't seem to be any difference in their abilities now. We are still working on being calm at the gate openings (as in not jumping up on the door). There are many times where Tega is the first to sit. When I am out with the girls, it is not unusual to look down & see Tega sitting by my feet. She is a cuddly "little" girl full of kisses.
At Jan's house this week, Tega quickly warmed up to all the new people & was very willing to work with them on the A-frame, the tunnel, plus a few other things. At home, Roper has begun to play a little bit with the pups. Tega was very happy to interact with her big sister during these times.

5 Weeks
This was a big week for Tega. She figured out how to come over the little partition on the door of the pen, go up & down the front steps (2 of them) and in general, just expanding her own little world to include more things & people. When our visitors arrived on Friday, she was not quite as sure of them as Taylor was. It took a little longer for Tega to believe that everything was fine, but when she did, she then shared kisses & tail wags with the boys. It was fun watching her!

4 Weeks
Tega is coming into her own this week. I have seen her blossom in her interactions with us, her trust in us when she is waaay up off the ground, her willingness to try new things, sometimes even before Taylor. Tega is a delightful young pup full of tail wags & kisses. I am having a lot of fun watching the sisters grow up!

3 Weeks

2 Weeks

9 Days

                     3 Days